The week of Feb 8 through the 12th we were at another YWAM base called Harpenden that was located in the city of Harpenden. We were there for a conference called EQUIP which is a conference that was supposed to be just for YWAM staff and not DTS students but we got a special invitation. Due to the new leadership at Holmsted and the high expectations that were on this particular DTS we were able to get an invitation
First of all I would like to say that this conference was amazing I learned lots about the Holy Spirit, Vision for the future, and how to implement that vision. Second I want to say that this conference was pretty charismatic and some of you that I know would be pretty uncomfortable here. I know people that were prophesied over and the prophesy turned out to be true but they had never met the person.(One girl was prophesied over that she would be a nurse and thats exactly what she wants to be, she had never met the person outside of the conference) All this to say that eventhough it was a charismatic conference everything they did there was founded on scripture and there was NO snake handling or anything crazy like that.
Dude, Andy Morgan here. Ah, Harpenden YWAM base - know it well. We spent 3 months at Harpenden in 2005 doing a course on Inter Cultural Studies and Biblical Reconciliation. I love this place!! Hope you're having a great time. Peace!!
Harpenden is really near where i'm from, been there a few times, was Lawrence Singlehurst there?