Saturday, January 22, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

This is an function that Smaritan's Purse puts on where different churches around the world give shoe boxes full of gifts to Samaritan's purse. They then take the boxes and give them to other charity organizations in 3rd world countries to be given out to children.

The First day we went around to all the houses inviting the children. We mainly went to Indian families(people from India).

They invited us into their homes and we had tea with them, building relationship.

On the 3rd day we gave out the gifts, I had the opportunity to hand out some of the gifts.

Kelsey my co-leader also handed out gifts. (Can you guess who is from Johns Island?)


  1. Hey buddy, Our small group here each did a box for Operation Christmas Child! That's great to see the other end of the program. Man I can't imagine all your seeing and experiencing. Praying for you as often as I can.

  2. That looked like an amazing experience. I know you guys made the heart of God even more happy by serving His little ones! The pics are amazing! Praying!
